Ma&Ya’s digital campaign

Superbowl campaign for M&M's builds a story around the hilarious brand takeover.

Client: M&M's
Date: 2023
Services: Design
Role & Process

For the Superbowl, M&M’s launched a fun and complex campaign that told the story of a brand takeover by Maya Rudolph. I worked with a team at Critical Mass to produce some digital and social creative that were part of this campaign. I worked on developing a consistent visual system for social creative, making sure it was flexible for creative automation.

We also supported the ousted spokescandy storyline, concepting a “Save Our Spokescandy” execution such as a “fundraising” website. One could sign a petition to bring back M&M spokescandy and download various tools (posters, signs, digital and physical stickers, etc) to support their fight for OG M&Ms.